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About the Site

This site was created by Rachel Wilson, a senior history student at Georgia College & State University in Milledgeville, Georgia. Rachel will graduate in December of 2019 with a major in History along with a minor in Political Science. 


The website serves as an alternative option of a term paper for Professor Welborn and his course, US Civil War in Memory. Throughout the semester, students learned of the popular memory of the US Civil War rather than simply details on battles or prominent generals. The course contained learning materials written by popular historians Karen Cox, David Blight, and K. Stephen Prince in order to present information regarding the shaping of Civil War memory throughout the United States.


The information presented by this website most closely aligns with the work of Karen Cox in her novel used for this course titles, Dixie's Daughters. Rachel became fascinated with the work of the women and the UDC throughout the semester and chose to research other scholars on the subject. It is hopeful that the website will communicate the immense force that was the UDC in creating a  fondness of "Southern Pride" throughout the South and even into other regions of the United States following the American Civil War. Though their actions weren't often as benevolent as they claim, the women surely made their voices heard. It is important for people to learn that public memory is constructed through influence and social needs rather than the exact truth of the events. The ladies of the UDC were determined to be those to put the pen to paper regarding the Civil War in the South, rather than the victors in the North. 

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